Foggy Morning

I like the fog, her mist milky, consuming and all-enwrapping, like some thick drowsy blanket. You can step out into her, the cloud. She’s tangible, entirely palpable to all of our unforgiving five senses. This bit of stale rain, caught as she were between the watery ground and the even more misty sky, mopes about my bamboo home, waiting for me to open my thatched door and enter into her enfolding must. Everyday, like this, on top of my mountain, outside of my bamboo home, this malleable moat of moisture greets me magically. So, before I drink coffee or traipse my legs into walk, I breathe in her wet and run through her wild. I like the fog, always so dour, she haunts my bamboo home and I her shower.
Here's a bit of what we call in English 'creative writing'. Particular liberties can be taken in this type of writing. One can, if so inclined be more whimsical, even as poetic as I have been here; or, more often than not, creative writing is simply in prose. It can be long or it can be short, pages in length or even just a few paragraphs. As far as I can tell the most important thing to remember when doing some creative writing is just to have fun with it. Life, if you haven't noticed it or not, is rather short. No need to ache one's head over a smidgen of English composition, no?

New Vocabulary
drowsy (adj) -sleepy
palpable (adj) -able to be touched, clear to the
stale (adj) - un-lively, flat, stationary, old
to mope (v) - to give way to sadness
must (n) - mold, cloud, mist, strong
malleable (adj) - adaptable, changeable,
moat (n) - watery barrier around a castal
traipse (v) - to walk aimlessly
dour (adj) - serious, stern

Thomas Rhoden


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